For Immediate Traffic Ticket Assistance, Call Now: (587) 989-8458. Don’t Hesitate To Call With Your Questions, Consultations Are Free.

Traffic Ticket Service – Legal Representation in Traffic Court

We fight many types of traffic violation tickets. Click here for a list of the traffic tickets we defend. We fight to get fine reductions, reduce demerits, and to help you keep your license. Avoid suspension, reduce your insurance premiums, and let us appear for you in traffic court.

We appear in traffic court for you (across Alberta) so you don’t need to miss school or work. You don’t need to pay for parking.

Submit your traffic ticket using the form below. We will provide you with a quote right away!


If you attach a picture to your submission, don’t worry about filling in the ticket number or fine amount. We can get that information from your ticket. 

Please call 587-989-8458 with any questions or if sending multiple tickets, feel free to email (include your name and phone number in all correspondence).

    Court Appearance City/Town(required)

    Court Appearance Date (required)

    Legible photo of your ticket(Min 1 Required)

    Ticket Number

    The Offence and Additional Information :