Alberta Traffic Law: Tickets, Citations, and Other Traffic Penalties
7 Points:
• Failing to remain at the scene of accident
6 Points:
• Careless Driving
• Racing
• Exceeding speed limit by more than 50 km/hr
5 Points:
• Failure to stop for Police Officer, for School Bus, for vehicle carrying explosives, gas or flammable liquids or railroad crossing
4 Points:
• Following too closely
• Failure to stop for school bus
• Speeding – unreasonable rate
• Exceeding limit by 31-50 km/hr
• To yield right-of-way to vehicle or pedestrian
3 Points:
• Driving on wrong side of road…wrong way on one-way highway
• Improper passing…impeding passing vehicle
• Stunting
• Exceeding speed limit by 16-30 km/hr.
• Failure to: Report accident
• Failure to: To stop as directed by traffic control devices or as otherwise required
2 Points:
• Improper turns…backing up
• Traffic lane violation
• Exceeding speed limit by up to 15 km/hr
• Failure to: Obey instructions of traffic control device
• Failure to: Signal
A suspension prohibits you from driving and results in significant costs. You can have your license suspended for 15 demerits (or 8 for graduated license holders).
Your licence can also be suspended by the courts for a variety of the more serious offences. If a police officer issues you with Part 2 of the violation ticket ( pink copy) your licence can be suspended for a period of up to 90 days and the fine can go as high as $2300.00(in exceptional circumstances up to $25,000.00). A period of incarceration is also possible.
Your insurance costs will increase for many offences.
They will skyrocket when you are at fault in an accident and they will increase significantly if your licence is suspended or if you get a ticket. You must keep your abstract as clean as possible. Major offences like careless driving, racing, and +50 K.P.H. speeding will at least double the cost of your premium.
You should watch your abstract carefully and avoid demerits. If you are facing demerits then get the best professional help available.
Convictions are usually determined to be either MAJOR or MINOR. Here are some examples of major offences: hit and run; careless driving; racing; and, speeding tickets 50 kph over the speed limit.
That is why you should not simply pay the ticket. We provide the expertise that you need and we are the best.
Other Information
Driving Without a Licence: A person convicted of driving while disqualified may be fined up to $2300.00(in exceptional circumstances up to $25,000.00) for a first offence with a licence suspension imposed for a minimum of 6 months. A person convicted of a second driving while disqualified (where the 2nd offence occurs within 1 year of the 1st offence) will be facing a period of incarceration of at least 14 days in addition to the suspension of their licence.
Driving Without Insurance: A person convicted of a no insurance charge will be fined no less than $2875.00 up to $11,500 for a first offence. A person convicted of a second no insurance charge for an offence committed within 5 years will be fined no less than $5750.00 and up to $23,000.00.